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Swords Scouts

Swords 49/136th scout group. We currently have two Beaver and Cub sections, one Scout, Venture and Rover section running every week.
Swords Scouts
Swords Scouts
Part 2 of our 49th cub scouts trip to lough keel .
Swords Scouts
Swords Scouts
Swords Scouts
49th Cubs Annual Camp Lough Keel campsite beside Lough Kee Forest Park. In Roscommon .

Fantastic camp with all the cubs working together setting up their site, with gate and wash station, cooking, cleaning and doing everything needed on a camp.

As one cub said, we donโ€™t need the leaders, we are doing everything.

Great activities like Zipit and Kayaking, with trips to the Arigna mines and Eagles Flying.
Fun all the way, with cubs exploring the woods, making shelters, swinging on homemade swings, playing games, singing,late night making dessert concoctions and talent shows. Not a TV or phone in sight. Most of all , bonding ,making friends and lifelong memories.
Swords Scouts
Swords Scouts
Swords Scouts
Days 4,5&6 of the 136th Swords cub Scouts summer camp to Crawfordsburn Scout centre with air soft rifle shooting, archery, tomahawk throwing, caving , a trip to the Ulster transport museum, an afternoon in Prison Island escape rooms and capped off a great week with a lovely meal in Judeโ€™s Restaurant on the Lisbon Road. Then there was nothing else to do but break camp , our leave no trace sweep and the only evidence we were there was the outline of our tents in the grass. Roll on next year ๐Ÿ•๏ธ๐Ÿ•๏ธ๐Ÿ•๏ธ
Swords Scouts
Swords Scouts
Days 1,2&3 of the 136th Swords cub scouts summer camp to Crawfordsburn Scout centre with a nice stroll Into Bangor, raft building, raft sinking, zip lining, 3G Swing and a trip to Colin Glen for laser tag, rock climbing and low and high rope walking. Busy days but plenty of fun.
Swords Scouts
Swords Scouts
49th Scouts spent the week in Crawfordsburn Scout Centre.
We worked really well as a group with camp tasks, completed tons of activities and of course had lots of laughs, too many treats, lots of dips in waterfalls and the cold cold sea.
Roll on next year โ›บ๏ธ โ˜€๏ธ
Swords Scouts
Swords Scouts
Swords Scouts
A massive well done to the 136th Swords cub challenge team who achieved gold standard at the National finals in LarchHill this weekend. Their leaders are so proud of them, how they represented themselves and showcased their skills and knowledge. ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘ BRAVO